In our parish community we have the following organizations:
- Onoway CWL (Meetings: every 1st Saturday of the month beginning with 9:30 am Mass) President: Mrs. Yvette
Foster, ph. (780) 967-4941
- Wabamun CWL(Meetings: every 3rd Tuesday following the 7:00 pm Mass)President: Mrs. Barbara Schiller,
ph. (780) 892-2263
- Father Philip Michael Rooney Knights of Columbus Council #13487(Meetings: every 2nd Thursday of the month
following 7:00 pm Mass)
Brother John Hrasko was our first Grand Knight - ph. (780) 967-5867 Our present Grand Knight
is Brother Peter Labuda of Wabamun. For more information on our council go to
Who are the Knights of Columbus?
An organization of Catholic men, whose foundation is based on the principles of Unity, as
a Catholic lay society; Charity, to those in need; and Fraternity towards fellow Knights.
The principle of Patriotistm was later added to reflect the love of one's country.
It is obvious that the Knights of Columbus is more than you'd expect! I'd like to encourage all men
of St. Rose of Lima, Onoway, Our Lady of Lourdes, Lac La Nonne, and St. Joseph, Wabamun to be everyday heros. If you
want to make your community a better place by volunteering your time and efforts, then join the Knights of Columbus!
Father Andrew, Chaplain,3rd Degree Knight of Columbus